Ban Agrarians Act

In the National Assembly of the Republic of Kavenia
16th Session

ID: 0001

1st January, 1990
Criminal Law, Agriculture, Interior Affairs

In order to address the excessive influence of agrarianism, the Assembly resolves to authorise the following Law:

Article 1: Political Parties

Interior Affairs
In order to dissolve the relevant political parties.

  1. No political party shall exist in Kavenia with any of the following registered ideologies:
    1. Agrarianism;
    2. Rural interests;
    3. Food politics;
    4. Ruralism;
    5. Decentralisation;
    6. Anti-Environmentalism.

  2. Members of political parties that may be dissolved due to the provisions of this Law shall not be compensated.

  3. No political party or their candidates shall be permitted to campaign in any area that does not have access to WiFi.

Article 2: Popular Movements

Criminal Law
In order to halt the creation and growth of new agrarian movements.

  1. It shall be a crime to sell, buy, transport, or otherwise make use of farming equipment. This includes:
    1. Tractors;
    2. Pitchforks;
    3. Cows;
    4. Big hats.

  2. Any person convicted guilty of committing, or attempting to commit, the above crime shall be punished by a fine of $420.

Article 3: Foreign Influence

In order to stop farmers from being influenced by foreign propaganda that promotes agrarianism.

  1. No farmer shall be permitted to grow any variety of crop that originates from the country to the East.

  2. No farmer shall be permitted to rear any breed of animal that originates from the country to the East.

  3. Farmers must spray pesticides on all of their lands that have grown or reared said foods.

  4. Said foods must be clearly labelled at sale with the message: 'CAUTION: INFLUENCED BY AGRARIAN PROPAGANDA'.


Comes into force: 7th January 1995
Extends to: Kavenia